Various helper functions.
aliases: Auxiliary
- Adds procedure for equipping Spells.aux.DelayedOperation
- Performs an operation on cards each time a given phase is enteredaux.DiscardCost
- Creates a cost function for effects that discard a card(s) as cost.aux.EnableGeminiAttribute
- Deprecated alias ofGemini.AddProcedure
- Wraps a function to optionally support named arguments as a table.aux.PayLPCost
- Creates a cost function for effects that pay LP as cost.aux.RegisterClientHint
- Registers an effect that displays a hint on players' info box.aux.SelectUnselectGroup
- Checks if a group contains a subgroup that fulfills a function.aux.SelfBanishCost
- Cost function for effects that banish the card itself as cost.aux.SelfDiscardCost
- Cost function for effects that discard the card itself as cost.aux.SelfDiscardToGraveCost
- Cost function for effects that discard the card itself to the GY as cost.aux.SelfReleaseCost
- Alias ofaux.SelfTributeCost
- Cost function for effects that reveal the card itself as cost.aux.SelfToDeckCost
- Cost function for effects that shuffle the card itself to the Deck as cost.aux.SelfToExtraCost
- Cost function for effects that return the card itself to the Extra Deck as cost.aux.SelfToGraveCost
- Cost function for effects that send the card itself to the GY as cost.aux.SelfToHandCost
- Cost function for effects that return the card itself to the hand as cost.aux.SelfTributeCost
- Cost function for effects that Tribute the card itself as cost.aux.StatChangeDamageStepCondition
- Condition function for fast effects that change a monster's ATK/DEF.aux.addContinuousLizardCheck
- Adds an effect to a card that affects other cards for "Clock Lizard"'s handlingaux.addLizardCheck
- Adds an effect to a card affecting itself for "Clock Lizard"'s handlingaux.addTempLizardCheck
- Adds an effect to the duel that affects cards for "Clock Lizard"'s handlingaux.bfgcost
- Deprecated alias ofaux.SelfBanishCost
- Creates a card effect that affects other cards for "Clock Lizard"'s handlingaux.createTempLizardCheck
- Creates a duel effect that affects cards for "Clock Lizard"'s handlingaux.dpcheck
- Creates a subgroup check function that checks card property uniqueness.aux.selfbanishcost
- Deprecated alias ofaux.SelfBanishCost
- Deprecated alias ofaux.SelfTributeCost