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Source Code | Auxiliary Functions

Banishes card(s) and performs an operation to them in a given phase (usually return them to their current location). Returns the effect that would perform the operation if a card is successfully banished, otherwise returns nil. Parameters: - Card|Group card_or_group: the cards to banish, - int|nil pos: the cards' position when banished. nil will use their current position, -int reason: the reason for banishing, int phase: the phase when oper will be applied to the banished cards, - int flag: a unique integer to be registered as a flag on the affected cards, - Effect e: the effect performing the banishment, - int tp: the player performing the banishment, and will later perform oper, - function oper: a function with the signature (rg,e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp) where rg is the group of cards that can be returned, - function|nil cond: an additional condition function with the signature (rg,e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp). rg is already checked if it's not empty, - int|nil reset: the reset value. If not passed, the reset will be RESET_PHASE+phase. - int|nil reset_count: how many times the reset value must happen. If not passed, the count will be 1. - int|nil hint: a string to show on the affected cards, - int|nil effect_desc: a string to be used as the description of the delayed effect (useful when the same effect registers multiple different delayed effects)


Auxiliary.RemoveUntil(Card|Group cg, int|nil pos, int reason, int phase, Effect e, int player, function oper, function|nil cond) → Effect



