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Source Code | Auxiliary Functions

Creates and registers an Effect to the duel that affects cards such that they will be excluded by "Clock Lizard" when checking what cards it can return to the Extra Deck.


Auxiliary.addTempLizardCheck(Card c, int tp, [TargetFilterFunction filter = aux.TRUE, int reset = RESET_PHASE|PHASE_END, int tRange = 255, int tRange2 = 0, int resetcount = 1]) → effect



  • Card c

    The card registering the effect.

  • int tp

    The player to apply the effect to.

  • TargetFilterFunction filter

    Optional. Defaults to aux.TRUE.

    Filters which cards are affected and will be excluded by "Clock Lizard".

  • int reset

    Optional. Defaults to RESET_PHASE|PHASE_END.

    Composite Reset values to specify when the effect stops applying.

  • int tRange

    Optional. Defaults to 255.

    Composite Location values for tp's side of the board.

  • int tRange2

    Optional. Defaults to 0.

    Composite Location values for tp's opponent's side of the board.

  • int resetcount

    Optional. Defaults to 1.

    The number of times reset must happen for the effect to stop applying.


  • effect

    The effect that was registered.

See Also

registers-effect, special-handling