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subtype of function

A function used to check an activated effect's condition. Condition refers to those explicitly stated in the card text, (e.g. "If you control a monster:"), not for activation legality (e.g. checking if you have a Field Spell in your Deck to activate Terraforming), which is checked by the EffectTarget.

Functions that use this type as parameter

Functions that use this type as parameter


function(Effect e, int tp, Group eg, int ep, Group ev, Effect re, int r, int rp) → boolean



  • Effect e

    The Effect to activate.

  • int tp

    The player activating the effect.

  • Group eg

    The event group of the effect activation.

  • int ep

    The event player of the effect activation.

  • Group ev

    The event value of the effect activation.

  • Effect re

    The reason effect of the effect activation.

  • int r

    The reason of the effect activation.

  • int rp

    The reason player of the effect activation.


  • boolean

    If the effect can be activated.
