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Counters are represented by unique hexadecimal value, starting with 0x1, the value for Spell counters. Even if the English text of some cards like BOXer or Kickfire refers only to "Counter" (i.e. not giving it an specific name), those counters are considered to be different from each other. Counters are grouped in two categories.

  • Global counter
  • Permission counters

Global Counters

Counters with a value above 0x1000 are considered global, meaning that any card can receive this type of counter. Example: Predator Counter (0x1041).

Permission-specific counters

Counters with a value below 0x1000 have to be first permitted on the card that is going to hold such counters before they can be added. If the card that has these counters permitted has its effects negated, it also loses the ability to hold such counter. Example: Spell Counter (0x1)

The following functions are related to counter permission and limits and must be used with the initial effect registration:

void Card.EnableCounterPermit(Card c, int countertype[, int location])

Makes the card (Card c) able to hold a type of counter (int countertype). If a the optional parameter (int location) is provided, the card will be able to hold the counter(s) only when in the specified location.

void Card.SetCounterLimit(card c, int counter_type, int count)

Sets the limit (int count) of how many counters of a type (int countertype) can be held by a card (Card c).

List of counters

As of 21-Jun-2022, the following counters are in use in Edopro:

Counters for official cards:

0x1Spell Counter
0x1002Wedge Counter
0x3Bushido Counter
0x4Psychic Counter
0x5Shine Counter
0x6Crystal Counter
0x7Counter (Colosseum Cage of the Gladiator Beasts)
0x8Morph Counter
0x1009Venom Counter
0xaGenex Counter
0xbCounter(Ancient City)
0xcThunder Counter
0xdGreed Counter
0xfWorm Counter
0x10Black Feather Counter
0x11Hyper Venom Counter
0x12Karakuri Counter
0x13Chaos Counter
0x14Counter (Miracle Jurassic Egg)
0x1015Ice Counter
0x16Spellstone Counter
0x17Nut Counter
0x18Flower Counter
0x1019Fog Counter
0x1aPayback Counter
0x1bClock Counter
0x1cD Counter
0x1dJunk Counter
0x1eGate Counter
0x20Plant Counter
0x1021Guard Counter
0x22Dragonic Counter
0x23Ocean Counter
0x1024String Counter
0x25Chronicle Counter
0x26Counter (Metal Shooter)
0x27Counter (Des Mosquito)
0x28Counter (Dark Catapulter)
0x29Counter (Balloon Lizard)
0x102aCounter (Magic Reflector)
0x2cYou Got It Boss! Counter
0x2dCounter (Kickfire)
0x2eShark Counter
0x2fPumpkin Counter
0x30Hi-Five the Sky Counter
0x2bDestiny Counter
0x31Rising Sun Counter
0x32Balloon Counter
0x33Yosen Counter
0x34Counter (BOXer)
0x35Symphonic Counter
0x36Performage Counter
0x37Kaiju Counter
0x1038Cubic Counter
0x1039Zushin Counter
0x40Counter (Number 51: Finisher the Strong Arm)
0x1041Predator Counter
0x42Counter (Fire Cracker)
0x43Defect Counter
0x44Counter (Beltlink Wall Dragon)
0x1045Scale Counter
0x46Counter (Gouki Cage Match)
0x47Counter (Limit Code)
0x48Counter (Link Turret)
0x1049Patrol Counter
0x4aAthlete Counter
0x95Rising Sun Counter
0x147Borrel Counter
0x148Summon Counter
0x1148Signal Counter
0x1149Venemy Counter
0x14aCounter (Turntrooper)
0x14bCounter (Battlewasp Nest)
0x14cCounter (Firewall Dragon Darkfluid)
0x14dCounter (Seraphim Papillon)
0x14eCounter (Cauldron of the Old Man)
0x14fCounter (World Legacy's Continuation)
0x200Counter (Pendulum of Souls)
0x201Fire Fist Counter
0x202Phantasm Counter
0x203Counter (Nezumihanabi)
0x59Otoshidamashi Counter
0x204Counter(Ursarctic Big Dipper)
0x205Counter(War Rock Ordeal)
0x206Counter(Sacred Scrolls of the Gizmek Legend)
0x207Emperor's Key Counter
0x208Counter(Life Shaver)
0x209Counter(Ursarctic Radiation)
0x20aPiece Counter
0x20bCounter(Prisoner of Destiny)
0x20cG Golem Counter
0x1207Burnup Counter

Counters for non-official cards:

0x55Hammer Counter
0x90Maiden Counter
0x91Speed Counter
0x92Plasma Counter
0x93Sacred Beast Counter
0x94Earthbound Immortal Counter
0x95Crest Counter
0x96Battle Buffer Counter
0x99Full Moon Counter
0x103Medal Counter
0x107Gearspring Counter
0x584Counter (Ai Ai Wall)
0x1045Scale Counter
0x1090Maiden Counter
0x1096Protection Counter
0x1097Des Counter
0x1098Chain Counter
0x109aScab Counter
0x1100Aura Counter
0x1101Hallucination Counter
0x1102Gear Counter
0x1104Thorn Counter
0x1105Turn Counter
0x1106Shield Counter
0x1107Prey Counter
0x1108Vaccine Counter
0x1109Life Star Counter
0x1110Beacon Counter
0x1112Disturbance Counter
0x1113Charge Counter
0x1115G Golem Counter
0xfbTrickstar Counter
0x577Hydradrive Counter